Kamis, 28 April 2016

Entrepreneur is a future of mine

If I graduate for bachelor of economics, I will be an entrepreneur. Some people may think for seeking a job after they are graduated, and earning some money from a multinational company. But all I have in my mind is, there are so many opportunities for build my own business. I think of challenging myself for it. 

If I learn something in the process of business, I don't mind failing. Because it is part of its risk. If you are too afraid to start and challenging yourself, you will get nothing. 

And if I get my business successfully, I will hire people around me and develop their creativity skills that will bring my business more progressive.

Nowadays, social media have a big place in people's heart. If I graduate and become an entrepreneur, I will make social media as my facility for my product invasion. I have experienced with online marketing or so called E-commerce. A few times ago, I have my own online Shop which has sold t-shirt, sweater, and jacket. I uploaded the catalogues on my accounts of social media like Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, so that my followers could simply pick their favorite products and bought them. 

If I become an entrepreneur, I will make my social media accounts more useful for marketing purposes. Thank you

My short vacation at Puncak

I want to tell you about my experience when I went to Puncak for my holiday. So many places that I have visited. I arrived Casa Monte Rosa Hotel at night, which has a very beautiful view, and good hotel services. 

When it dawn, me and my family went to Atta Awun Mosque in Ciruas for morning prayer. After that , we went to Cibodas Garden which has grows a lot of vegetables like tomatoes, onions, carots, etc. I took a lot of pictures of them and myself, too! 
For the next destination, we went to Puncak Tea Garden for playing flying fox, drink a cup of tea for warming our body from its cold weather and of course, took some pictures. 

I have chosen Puncak for my holiday because it wasn't far from Depok only need 1 hour, and it has a very freshening weather and beautiful places to visit.

Senin, 25 April 2016

Softskill novel

where rainbows end by cecilia ahern

Rosie Dunne and Alex Stewart are best friends since childhood. They can never be separated. untill they are teenager, Alex has to move to Boston. but then Rosie will catch up. But things happened differently. Rosie and Alex still friends. they are still in touch by letter and emails. the novel is about losing many opportunities just because they are best friends. Rosie and Alex know that fate isn't done with them yet.

1. I never really thought I could actually enjoy my wedding day but you made it so much fun

subject: I
verb: thought

2. I do not love you with all my heart
subject: I
verb: love

3. he's teaching you some exercise techniques
subject : he
verb : teaching

4. Youre becoming an awful bore
s : you
v : becoming

5. I just want to help
s : I
v : want

6. Im returning to boston tomorrow
s : I
v : returning

7. I'll book a fly this morning
s : I
v : book

8. he'll hate it
s : he
v : hate

9. Mum has worked so hard
s : mum
v : worked

10. I find my self switching on the television
s : I
v : find